

IDEAS research focuses on: (i) interactive and participatory design processes; (ii) the articulation between design processes and the sustainability transition in agri-food systems; and (iii) the links between forms of design reasoning and the knowledge produced.

IDEAS work spans a range of subjects: variety selection, farming practices, water management, biodiversity, processing, stakeholder coordination, distribution, etc. It is conducted in partnership with the actors on the ground, often with a participatory approach, and promotes interdisciplinary approaches connecting the life sciences, engineering sciences, humanities and social sciences. It mobilizes and builds on the know-how present within IDEAS.

The aim of the network is to develop breakthrough and systemic innovations to support transitions in agri-food systems. To this end, IDEAS scientists analyse and facilitate the development and implementation of new technical and organizational arrangements by integrating stakeholders' diverse perspectives on sustainability.

To find out more, join our seminars and webinars, or contact us

Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 25 July 2017 | By: Sophie Raspaut