Academic partners

Academic partners

IDEAS promotes interaction between scientists on work to improve our understanding of design processes or to develop operational methods supporting these processes in transitions towards more sustainable agri-food systems.

Although in 2020 most of the scientists worked within Ile-de-France research teams, the network is open to all scientists concerned by the scientific issues and questions that IDEAS investigates.

IDEAS is primarily comprised of scientists from INRAE and AgroParisTech units in Ile de France:UMR Agronomie, UMR SayFood (a merger between GENIAL and GMPA), UMR LISIS, UMR SadApt, UAR EcoInnov, UMR GQE, UMR ALISS, UMR Ecosys, UMR ESE Orsay. is also linked to the LabEx BASC.

IDEAS helps to strengthen ties with teams and units outside INRAE and AgroParisTech, particularly with Ile de France teams from the management sciences and economics, ergonomics, and design: UMR I3, CRTD at the CNAM, LGI Centrale Supelec, CRG Polytechnique, CGS Mines-ParisTech, DesignSpot Paris-Saclay, ENSCI, LIMSI.

IDEAS scientists are also involved in strengthening partnerships with laboratories in France (ESA Angers, Ecodev et SQPOV Avignon, UE Alenya, Agroécologie Dijon, SAS Rennes, ASTER Mirecourt, AGIR Toulouse, Territoires Clermont) and elsewhere in Europe (Wageningen University, Louis Bolk Instituut, UC Louvain, RUC Dk, SLU Sw).


Modification date: 05 July 2023 | Publication date: 07 December 2018 | By: MC, EP