Understand the process of designing a work system

Understand the process of designing a work system in the indivisibility of time

Thesis Marie CHIZALLET - UMR LISIS - Marne la Vallée, 2019

Abstract :

This thesis focuses on understanding the processes of designing work systems of farmers engaged in an agroecologicaltransition. It is based on the implementation of a method: the Chronicle of Change. By offering farmers to build design narratives, it reveals the overall design process in which they are involved. This process is analyzed on the basis of a dialogical model of design (e.g. Béguin, 2010) that puts the poles of virtual and real into tension, to which we add a pole of designable to show the movements between past – present – future, which are at work in the process.

These narratives make visible the object being designed: the working system composed of subsystems. The farmer's experience with these subsystems contributes to the progress of the design process and the farmer's construction of a systemic approach to his purpose.

In perspective, this thesis opens on the role of narrative in the development of the experience of a design process and on the notion of designing sustainable work systems.

Thesis defended on 26 november 2019

Co-supervision :

Flore BARCELLINI (CNAM) et Lorène Prost (INRA)

Jury :

  • M. BEGUIN Pascal, Professeur des Universités, Université Lumière Lyon 2 – Rapporteur
  • M. OLRY Paul, Professeur des Universités, AgroSup Dijon – Rapporteur
  • Mme. KOSTULSKI Katia, Professeure des Universités, Cnam – Présidente du jury
  • Mme. GAUDART Corinne, Directrice de recherche, Cnam – Examinatrice
  • M. DEDIEU Benoît, Directeur de recherche, Inra – Examinateur

See also

Thesis manuscript : https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-02462310

Chizallet M, Barcellini F, Prost L. 2018. Supporting farmers’ management of change towards agroecological practices by focusing on their work: a contribution of ergonomics. Cah. Agric. 27: 35005. https://doi.org/10.1051/cagri/2018023

IDEAS seminar : 1st june 2017