Participatory eco-quali-conception® approach applied to wine production systems

Methodological development for the implementation of a participatory eco-quali-conception® approach applied to wine production systems

Thèse Anthony Rouault - USC GRAPPE ESA-INRAE, 2019

Abstract :

To address new challenges, including environmental ones, the redesign of agricultural systems must incorporate new objectives, change the way concepts and knowledge are mobilized and renew the evaluation methods and criteria used (Meynard et al., 2012). Eco-design aims to integrate environmental aspects into the design of a product (ISO 14006) and can therefore meet these needs and make it possible to design ecoefficient agricultural systems. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a recommended environmental assessment method to support eco-design approaches. Moreover, in France, where 93% of wine production is produced under quality labels (INAO, 2016), quality is often as important as yield in defining wine production objectives. This thesis work explores the interest and modalities of a convergence between ecodesign and co-design of cropping systems. The problem is thus articulated in three stages: i) Why and how can a participatory eco-design approach be implemented in agriculture? ii) LCA and participatory eco-design approach in viticulture: which methodological questions and solutions? iii) How to integrate a grape quality objective into an eco-design approach in viticulture? These questions were explored through the implementation of a participatory eco-design approach involving winegrowers and wine advisors. This approach was defined and applied with two groups of winegrowers and their wine advisors in the Loire Valley.

Direction :

Frédérique Jourjon, Christel Renaud-Gentié et Aurélie Perrin.

Manuscript here

A video for more information here

See also

Sandra Beauchet, Anthony Rouault, Marie Thiollet-Scholtus, Marguerite Renouf, Frédérique Jourjon, Christel Renaud-Gentié, 2019. Inter-annual variability in the environmental performance of viticulture technical management routes‚Äîa case study in the Middle Loire Valley (France). International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment On line, 41275

Anthony Rouault, Sandra Beauchet, Christel Renaud-Gentié, Frédérique Jourjon, 2016. Life cycle assessment of viticultural technical management routes (tmrs) : comparison between an organic and an integrated management route. Journal International des Sciences de la Vigne et du Vin 50, 77-89