Publications - 2020

Articles, books and book chapters, thesis and reports published in 2020

Batifol Veronique, Sophie Aubin, Laurent Hazard, Jean-Pierre Theau, Cathy Bouffartigue, Marie-Benoît Magrini, 2020. Thésaurus d'agroécologie : une approche par les usages et avis d'experts. Cahiers Agricultures, 29, 10.1051/cagri/2020004

Ben Harb S., Irlinger F., Saint-Eve A., Panouille M., Souchon I., Bonnarme P., 2020. Versatility of microbial consortia and sensory properties induced by the composition of different milk and pea protein-based gels. Lwt-Food Sci. Technol., 118, 108720, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.108720.

Berthet Elsa, Sara Bosshardt, Lise Malicet-Chebbah, Gaëlle van Frank, Benoit Weil, Blanche Segrestin, Pierre Riviere, Léa Bernard, Elodie Baritaux, Isabelle Goldringer, 2020. Designing Innovative Management for Cultivated Biodiversity: Lessons from a Pioneering Collaboration between French Farmers, Facilitators and Researchers around Participatory Bread Wheat Breeding. Sustainability, 12, 605, 10.3390/su12020605

Bonifazi Mathilde, Laurence Guichard et Rémy Ballot, 2020. Qualité de l’eau en aire d’alimentation de captage : exploration de scénarios avec la démarche CO-CLICK’EAU. L’eau en milieu agricole - Outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale, 237-244

Carter Caitriona, Elsa Berthet, Christophe Boschet, Gabrielle Bouleau, Vincent Bretagnolle, Jacqueline Candau, Clarisse Cazals, Paul Conchon, Jeanne Dachary Bernard, Charles de Godoy Leski, Valérie Deldrève, Philippe Deuffic, Luc Doyen, Sophie Lafon, Francis Macary, Tina Rambonilaza, Yohan Sahraoui, Denis Salles, Arnaud Sergent, Andy Smith, Arnaud Thomas, 2020. La gouvernance de la biodiversité en Nouvelle-Aquitaine : enjeux et défi. Bretagnolle, V. Rapport Ecobiose, 12420

Charrier F., Hannachi M., Barbier M., 2020. Rendre l’ingérable gérable par la transformation collective de la situation de gestion : Étude de cas de la gestion d’une maladie animale infectieuse en Corse. Gérer et Comprendre, 139

Colas Floriane, Stéphane Cordeau, Sylvie Granger, Marie-Helene Jeuffroy, Olivia Pointurier, Wilfried Queyrel, Alain Rodriguez, Jean Villerd, Nathalie Colbach, 2020. Co-development of a decision support system for integrated weed management: Contribution from future users. European Journal of Agronomy, 114, 126010, 10.1016/j.eja.2020.126010

Colas, F., Cordeau, S., Granger, S., Jeuffroy, M.-H., Pointurier, O., Queyrel, W., Rodriguez, A., Villerd, J., Colbach, N. , 2020. Co-development of a decision support system for integrated weed management: contribution from future users. Eur. J. Agron., 114, in press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eja.2020.126010

Colbach, N. , 2020. How to use a “virtual field” to evaluate and design integrated weed management strategies at different spatial and temporal scales. In: Chantre, G.R., González-Andujar, J.L. (Eds.), Decision support systems for weed management. Springer, pp. 227-248.

Cosson A., Delarue J., Mabille AC, Druon A., Descamps N., Roturier, JM, Souchon I., Saint-Eve A., 2020. Block protocol for conventional profiling to sensory characterize plant protein isolates. Food Quality and preference, accepted, FQAP_103927.

Cosson, A., Souchon, I., Richard, J., Descamps, N., Saint-Eve, A., 2020. Using Multiple Sensory Profiling Methods to Gain Insight into Temporal Perceptions of Pea Protein-Based Formulated Foods. Foods, 9, 969, https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9080969

Craheix Damien, Frédérique Angevin, Thierry Doré, Stéphane de Tourdonnet, 2020. Using a multicriteria assessment model to evaluate the sustainability of conservation agriculture at the cropping system level in France. European Journal of Agronomy, 76, 75-86, 10.1016/j.eja.2016.02.002

Deffontaines, L., Mottes, C., Della Rossa, P., Lesueur-Jannoyer, M., Cattan, P., & Le Bail, M. (2020). How farmers learn to change their weed management practices: Simple changes lead to system redesign in the French West Indies. Agricultural Systems, 179, 102769.

Della Rossa Pauline, Marianne Le Bail, Charles Mottes, Magalie Jannoyer, Philippe Cattan, 2020. Innovations developed within supply chains hinder territorial ecological transition: the case of a watershed in MartiniqueAgronomy for Sustainable Development, 40 : 10, 16p

Ferrané C, Reau R, Prost L. , 2020. Qualité de l’eau en aire d’alimentation de captage : gestion dynamique avec la démarche TRANSIT’EAU. In D. Leenhardt, M. Voltz, & O. Barreteau (Éds.), L’eau en milieu agricole, outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale (p. 288). Editions Quae.

Garrett Rachael, Julie Ryschawy, Lindsay Bell, Owen Cortner, Joice Ferreira, Anna Victoria N. Garik, Juliana Gil, Laurens Klerkx, Marc Moraine, Caitlin Peterson, Julio Cesar dos Reis, Judson Valentim, 2020. Drivers of decoupling and recoupling of crop and livestock systems at farm and territorial scales. Ecology and Society, 25, 10.5751/ES-11412-250124

Gisclard M., Devleeshouwer P., Charrier F., Casabianca F. , 2020. Action collective et gestion sanitaire des élevages porcins en Corse. Développement Durable et Territoires (à paraitre)

Goldringer I, G van Franck, N Galic, M Garnault, J Locqueville, S Pin, J Bailly, R Balthassat, JF Berthellot, F Caizergue, C Dalmasso, P de Kochko, JS Gascuel, A Hyacinthe, J Lacanette, F Mercier, B Ronot, P Rivière. , 2020. Agronomic evaluation of the first population-varieties developed within a wheat participatory breeding program in France. Sustainability, 12(1), 128, 10.3390/su12010128

Gouton, M., Dacremont, C., Trystram, G., Blumenthal D. , 2020. Validation of food visual attribute perception in virtual reality . Food Quality and Preference, DOI : 10.1016/j.foodqual.2020.104016

Hannachi M., Souchere V., Buèche S., Dupayage M. Boquet B., Pardoux J-P.,Berthet E., Deredec A.,  Tonda A., Pluquet P., Leroy J-P., Albaut A., Blarel J., Lecuyer J., Gazet C., Leuba M., Gagliardi E., Leleu K., Leclercq P., Quilliot E., Pernel J., Declemy D., Chauvel B., Walker A-S., 2020. Vers une gestion collective à l'echelle des paysages. Phytoma, 733

Hardy Pierre-Yves, Anne Dray, Tina Cornioley, Maia David, Rodolphe Sabatier, Eric Kernes, Véronique Souchère, 2020. Public policy design: Assessing the potential of new collective Agri-Environmental Schemes in the Marais Poitevin wetland region using a participatory approach. Land Use Policy, 97, 104724, 10.1016/j.landusepol.2020.104724

Hazard Laurent, Marianne Cerf, Claire Lamine, Daniele Magda, Patrick Steyaert, 2020. A tool for reflecting on research stances to support sustainability transitions. Nature Sustainability, 3, 89-95, 10.1038/s41893-019-0440-x

Joannon Alexandre, Elisa Delecourt, Valérie Leveau, 2020. Implantation des cultures et organisation du travail. 440 p.,

Kim Harrison, François Cluzel, Yann Leroy, Bernard Yannou, Gwenola Yannou-Le Bris, 2020. Research perspectives in ecodesign. Design Science, 6, 10.1017/dsj.2020.5

Le Velly Ronan, Marc Moraine, 2020. Agencing an innovative territorial trade scheme between crop and livestock farming: The contributions of the sociology of market agencements to alternative agri-food network analysis. Agriculture and Human Values, 10.1007/s10460-020-10026-8

Lefeuvre Thibault, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Jean-Marc Meynard, Marianne Cerf, Lorène Prost, 2020. Guide pratique : Réaliser un diagnostic des situations d'usage. La conception innovante dans les systèmes agri-alimentaires. 10.15454/dfd0-f138

Lefèvre A., Perrin B., Lesur-Dumoulin C., Salembier C., Navarrete M., 2020. Challenges of complying with both food value chain specifications and agroecology principles in vegetable crop protection. Agricultural Systems, Sous presse

Leriche Coline, Clara Molinier, Soline Caille, Alain Razungles, Ronan Symoneaux, Cécile Coulon-leroy, 2020. Development of a methodology to study typicity of PDO wines with professionals of the wine sector. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 10.1002/jsfa.10428

Moraine Marc, Julie Ryschawy, Martine Napoléone, Sonia Ramonteu, Jean-Philippe Choisis, 2020. Complémentarités culture -élevage à l'échelle territoire : facteurs de déverrouillage et de pérennisation des projets collectifs,Complémentarités culture - élevage à l'échelle territoire : facteurs de déverrouillage et de pérennisation des projets collectifs. Innovations Agronomiques, 80, 99-112,

Pelzer E, Bonifazi M,  Soulié M, Guchard L, Quinio M, Ballot R, Jeuffroy MH , 2020. Participatory Design of Agronomic Scenarios for the Reintroduction of Legumes Into a French Territory. Agricultural Systems, 184, 102893.  

Prost Lorène, Mathilde Bonifazzi, Claudine Ferrané, Laurence Guichard, Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy, Jean-Marc Meynard, Raymond Reau, Véronique Souchère, 2020. Enjeux conceptuels et méthodologiques liés à la conception de systèmes agricoles préservant la ressource en eau. In D. Leenhardt, M. Voltz, & O. Barreteau (Éds.), L’eau en milieu agricole, outils et méthodes pour une gestion intégrée et territoriale (p. 288). Editions Quae. 187-197.

Rastoin Jean-Louis,  Jean-Marc Meynard, 2020. L'urgence de systèmes alimentaires territorialisés. The Conversation

Richard, A., Casagrande, M., Jeuffroy, M.-H., David, C., 2020. A farmer-oriented method for co-designing groundwater-friendly farm management. Agron. Sustain. Dev.

Salembier Chloé, Blanche Segrestin, Nicolas Sinoir, Joseph Templier, Benoit Weil, Jean-Marc Meynard, 2020. Design of equipment for agroecology: coupled innovation processes led by farmer-designers. Agricultural Systems, 183, 102856

Serhan Hiam, Gwenola Yannou-Le Bris. , 2020. The engineering of food with sustainable development goals:policies, curriculums, business models, and practices. International Journal of Sustainable Engineering, Taylor & Francis, 2020, pp.1-14.

Serhan Hiam, Gwenola Yannou-Le Bris. , 2020. SOCIOTECHNICAL INNOVATIONS OF SHORT FOOD SYSTEMS CASE STUDY OF THE CITY REGION ILE DE FRANCE. Proceedings of the Design Society: International  Design Conference pp.2149-2156, 10.1017/dsd.2020.338

Thomas Chloé, Cécile Gremy-Gros, Aurélie Perrin, Ronan Symoneaux, Isabelle Maître, 2020. Implementing LCA early in food innovation processes: Study on spirulina-based food products. Journal of Cleaner Production, 121793, 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.121793

Thomas Chloé, Ronan Symoneaux, Gaelle Pantin-Sohier, Pierre Picouet, Isabelle Maître, 2020. Perceptions of spirulina from French consumers of organic products.

Toffolini Q., Jeuffroy M.H., Meynard J.M., Borg J., Enjalbert J., Gauffreteau A., Goldringer I., Lefèvre A., Loyce C., Martin P., Salembier C., Souchère V., Valantin-Morison M., Van Frank G., Prost L., 2020. Design as a source of renewal in the production of scientific knowledge in agroecology. Agricultural Systems

van Frank G, P Rivière, S Pin, J Bailly, R Baltassat, JF Berthellot, F Caizergues, C Dalmasso, JS Gascuel, A Hyacinthe, P de Kochko, J Lacanette, F Mercier, H Montaz, B Ronot, and I Goldringer. , 2020. Benefits of Genetic Diversity for Local Adaptation and Temporal Stability of Wheat Populations from a Participatory Plant Breeding Programme. Sustainability, 12(1), 384, 10.3390/su12010384

van Wymelbeke Virginie, Claire Sulmont-Rossé, Valérie Feyen, Sylvie Issanchou, Patrick Manckoundia, Isabelle Maître, 2020. Optimizing sensory quality and variety: An effective strategy for increasing meal enjoyment and food intake in older nursing home residents. Appetite, 153, 104749, 10.1016/j.appet.2020.104749

Verret Valentin, Elise Pelzer, Laurent Bedoussac, Marie-Helene Jeuffroy, 2020. Tracking on-farm innovative practices to support crop mixture design: The case of annual mixtures including a legume crop. European Journal of Agronomy, 115, 10.1016/j.eja.2020.126018

Allard Thomas, Elisabeth Guichard, Bruno Perret, Hervé Guillemin, Caroline Pénicaud, 2019. Mise en relation de données relatives aux procédés de fabrication, écoconception, composition et qualité des produits laitiers à l'aide d'une base de données guidée par une ontologie. Cahier des Techniques de l'INRA, 96, 44136

Modification date : 05 July 2023 | Publication date : 21 September 2020 | Redactor : IDEAS