Ecodesign and eco-innovation in the food industry

5. Presentation of the book "Ecoconception et éco-innovation dans l’agroalimentaire"

24 September 2020


On Thursday 24 September at 2:00pm, Gwenola Yannou Le Bris (Lecturer at AgroParisTech) will present the book "Ecoconception et éco-innovation dans l’agroalimentaire", which she wrote with Hiam Serhan, Sybille Duchaîne, Jean-Marc Ferrandi and Gilles Trystram.

"Ecoconception et éco-innovation dans l'agroalimentaire

Enabling everyone to have access to food with good nutritional quality and with a limited environmental footprint is a societal challenge which groups of students have set out to help address by participating in the EcoTrophélia food innovation competition. The book Ecoconception et éco-innovation combines a review of the literature on food product eco-design with the analysis of emblematic projects recently submitted in this competition. It presents various mechanisms that support the eco-design of food products as well as the emergence of eco-innovations based on new business models with more sustainable characteristics than those commonly implemented.  

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